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How to Start a Self-Publishing Author Business

If you’re an aspiring author looking to share your stories with the world, self-publishing could be the perfect avenue for you. With the rise of digital platforms and the ability to reach readers directly, self-publishing offers incredible opportunities for authors to bypass traditional publishing routes and take control of their own careers.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the steps and strategies you need to know to start a successful self-publishing author business. From building an author platform to marketing your books effectively, we’ll cover everything you need to turn your passion for writing into a thriving indie author business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Self-published books accounted for over 30% of all ebook sales in the United States in 2020.
  • Self-publishing allows authors to bypass traditional publishing routes and take control of their own careers.
  • In this guide, we will explore the steps and strategies for starting a successful self-publishing author business.
  • Key areas of focus include building an author platform, marketing, and effectively packaging your books for the market.
  • With dedication and strategic decision-making, self-published authors can thrive in the competitive publishing industry.

Should You Start a Publishing Company?

Starting a publishing company is a significant decision for self-published authors. It offers a range of benefits that can help you establish yourself in the industry and maximize your success. Here are some key reasons why starting a publishing company could be the right move for you:

Financial Protection and Tax Benefits

By establishing a publishing company, you can create a separate legal entity for your business, providing financial protection by separating your personal assets from your professional endeavors. This separation can protect your personal finances in case of any legal issues or financial challenges.

In addition, starting a publishing company opens up opportunities for tax advantages. As a business owner, you may be eligible for tax deductions related to your company expenses, such as editing, marketing, and distribution costs. Consult with a tax professional to understand how starting a publishing company can benefit your financial situation.

Increased Credibility and Professionalism

A publishing company can enhance your professional image and credibility in the industry. It demonstrates to readers, industry professionals, and potential collaborators that you are committed to your writing career and have taken the necessary steps to establish a professional platform.

Having a publishing company also allows you to present yourself as an expert in your field. It adds prestige to your author brand and can open doors to speaking engagements, partnerships, and other opportunities that can further your career.

Control and Independence

By starting your own publishing company, you gain more control over the publishing and marketing process. You have the freedom to make important decisions about cover design, formatting, pricing, and distribution strategies. This control allows you to align your publishing efforts with your creative vision and business goals.

Furthermore, having a publishing company provides you with the flexibility to expand your brand beyond writing. You can explore various publishing formats, such as eBooks, audiobooks, and print books, as well as venture into related areas like merchandise and licensing opportunities.

Collaborations and Licensing Opportunities

Establishing a publishing company can open doors to collaborations with other authors, illustrators, and industry professionals. By becoming a publisher, you position yourself as a valuable partner for joint projects, co-authorships, and cross-promotions. Collaborations can expand your readership and introduce your work to new audiences.

Addionally, having a publishing company gives you the opportunity to license your works for various adaptations, such as film, television, or foreign language translations. Licensing can provide additional income streams and increase the reach of your work.

Starting a publishing company provides financial protection, tax benefits, and credibility, while also offering control, independence, collaborations, and licensing opportunities.

By starting a publishing company, you take your self-publishing career to the next level. It empowers you to establish a professional platform, protect your work and assets, and fully control your publishing journey. The benefits of starting a publishing company go beyond financial gains and contribute to your long-term success as an author.

The Benefits of Starting Your Own Publishing Company

Starting your own publishing company provides several benefits for self-published authors like you. By establishing your own company, you not only gain control over the publishing and marketing processes but also enjoy various advantages that can contribute to your success as an author.

1. Tax Benefits:

One of the significant advantages of starting a publishing company is the tax benefits it offers. As a business entity, you can deduct business expenses such as editing, marketing, and book production costs, allowing you to optimize your tax returns. This distinction between personal and business income can lead to substantial savings and financial advantages in the long run.

2. Liability Protection:

By operating your self-publishing business under a company structure, such as a limited liability company (LLC), you gain liability protection. This means that in the event of a legal claim or lawsuit, your personal assets are safeguarded. Your company’s assets and liabilities are separate from your personal finances, providing you with added peace of mind.

3. Author Branding:

Having your own publishing company conveys professionalism and credibility to your readers and the literary industry. It enhances your author branding by positioning you as a serious authorpreneur committed to your craft. This branding can attract other authors, collaborators, and potential business partners who view you as a reliable and established figure in the publishing world.

4. Control over Your Work:

When you start your own publishing company, you retain full control over your work. You can make decisions on book covers, formatting, pricing, and marketing strategies that align with your creative vision and target audience. This control allows you to maintain artistic integrity and ensure your books are represented in the market exactly as you intend.

5. Multiple KDP Accounts and Collaboration Opportunities:

A significant benefit of owning a publishing company is the ability to create multiple Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) accounts. This flexibility enables you to explore various genres, pen names, and book formats without limitations. Additionally, it facilitates co-writing and licensing opportunities, enabling you to expand your reach and diversify your publishing portfolio.

To further illustrate the benefits of starting your own publishing company, consider the following table:

Benefits Explanation
Tax Benefits Deduct business expenses, optimize tax returns.
Liability Protection Safeguard personal assets in legal claims or lawsuits.
Author Branding Enhance credibility and attract collaborators and business partners.
Control over Your Work Make decisions on book covers, pricing, and marketing strategies.
Multiple KDP Accounts Explore various genres and book formats.
Collaboration Opportunities Co-writing and licensing opportunities for expansion.

By starting your own publishing company, you unlock numerous benefits that can elevate your career as a self-published author. From financial advantages to creative control and expanded opportunities, owning a publishing company empowers you to build your author brand and thrive in the competitive publishing industry.

Setting Up Your Publishing Company

Setting up a publishing company involves several key steps. By following these steps, you can establish a solid foundation for your business and ensure its smooth operation.

Step 1: Set Goals and Choose a Business Structure

Before diving into the details, take some time to define your goals for the publishing company. Consider what you want to achieve, the types of books you plan to publish, and your target audience. This will help guide your decision-making throughout the process.

Next, it’s crucial to determine the type of business structure that suits your needs and provides the necessary legal and financial protections. Common options include:

  1. Sole Proprietorship: A simple and easy-to-establish structure, where you are the sole owner of the business.
  2. Limited Liability Company (LLC): Offers personal liability protection while maintaining flexibility and simplicity.
  3. Corporation: Provides strong liability protection but involves more complex legal and financial requirements.

Step 2: Choose a Business Name

Your business name is an essential element of your brand identity. It should be unique, memorable, and relevant to the publishing industry.

Consider conducting a search to ensure that your chosen business name is not already in use. Check for domain name availability as well, as this will be important for your online presence.

Step 3: Obtain an EIN and Open a Business Bank Account

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is necessary for tax purposes and will be used to identify your publishing company. You can obtain your EIN from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website.

Opening a separate business bank account is crucial for keeping your personal and business finances separate. This will streamline your bookkeeping and make it easier to track income and expenses.

Step 4: Establish an Accounting Process

Setting up an efficient accounting process is essential to manage your finances and comply with tax obligations.

You may choose to handle bookkeeping on your own or hire an accountant. Consider using accounting software to streamline the process and generate accurate financial reports.

Step 5: Consider Additional Legal Requirements

Depending on your publishing activities and location, there may be additional legal requirements to consider.

For example, if you plan to publish books for children, you may need to comply with specific regulations regarding content and safety. Research the legal requirements that apply to your publishing niche and ensure that you are in compliance.

Key Steps Description
Set Goals and Choose a Business Structure Define your goals and select a suitable business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation).
Choose a Business Name Select a unique and relevant name for your publishing company.
Obtain an EIN and Open a Business Bank Account Apply for an EIN and open a dedicated bank account for your publishing company.
Establish an Accounting Process Develop an efficient accounting process, either in-house or with the help of accounting software or a professional accountant.
Consider Additional Legal Requirements Research and comply with any additional legal requirements specific to your publishing activities.

By following these steps, you can lay a solid foundation for your publishing company and set yourself up for success in the industry.

Researching Your Market and Identifying Your Target Audience

Conducting market research is a crucial step for self-publishing authors to understand current trends and strategies in their book genre. By analyzing successful books in their genre on platforms like Amazon, authors can gain valuable insights into what resonates with readers.

“Market research allows you to uncover hidden opportunities and tailor your book to meet the needs and expectations of your target audience.”

– Emily Brown, Bestselling Indie Author

When researching your market, pay attention to various aspects of successful books in your genre:

  • Book covers: Examine the design elements, colors, and imagery that stand out and appeal to readers.
  • Titles and subtitles: Analyze how engaging and descriptive titles and subtitles attract potential readers.
  • Blurbs: Look for compelling blurbs that capture the essence of the story and pique readers’ interest.
  • Author biographies: Study author biographies to understand how they connect with readers and establish credibility.

Identifying your target audience is equally important as it allows you to focus your marketing efforts on the people most likely to buy your books. Consider the demographics, interests, and preferences of your ideal readership when defining your target audience.

Researching Categories and Keywords

Researching categories and keywords is essential for optimizing metadata and reaching the right audience. By selecting the appropriate categories and incorporating relevant keywords, you can increase the visibility of your book and attract potential readers searching for specific topics or genres.

Categories Keywords
Mystery & Thriller suspense, crime, detective, murder
Romance love, passion, relationships, contemporary
Science Fiction futuristic, aliens, space, technology

By thoroughly researching your market and identifying your target audience, you can refine your book’s positioning and increase its chances of success in a competitive publishing landscape.

Writing and Editing Your Book

Writing a book is a journey that requires dedication, commitment, and a well-structured approach. To maximize your productivity, aim to write consistently and efficiently. Here are some tips to help you along the way:

  • Set aside dedicated time for writing each day or week, creating a routine that allows you to focus on your book.
  • Eliminate distractions and create a conducive writing environment. Find a quiet space where you can immerse yourself in your thoughts and ideas.
  • Employ writing tools and software to enhance your writing process. Programs like Scrivener and Evernote can help you organize your thoughts, outline your chapters, and keep track of your progress.
  • Join online writer forums and communities to connect with fellow authors. Engaging in discussions, seeking advice, and sharing your experiences can provide invaluable support and inspiration.

Once your manuscript is complete, it’s time to shift your focus to the editing process. Editing is crucial to ensure that your book is polished, error-free, and ready to captivate readers. Consider the following steps:

  1. Self-editing: Begin by reviewing your manuscript yourself. Look for grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and areas that need improvement.
  2. Hiring a professional editor: To take your book to the next level, consider hiring a professional editor. A professional editor will provide an objective perspective, offer constructive feedback, and help refine your writing style.
  3. Utilizing beta readers: Beta readers are individuals who read your book before publication and provide valuable feedback. They can offer fresh insights, identify areas for improvement, and help you understand how your book resonates with your target audience.

By investing time and effort in the writing and editing process, you can enhance the overall quality of your book and increase its chances of success in the market.

“Writing is rewriting. A writer must have the stamina and perseverance to keep revisiting their work until it shines.” – Margaret Atwood

writing a book

With a beautiful cover image full of books, the writing and editing process comes alive. Taking the necessary steps to refine your manuscript and ensure its quality is crucial for a successful book launch.

Packaging Your Book for the Market

When preparing your book for the market, there are several crucial elements to consider to ensure its success. From choosing the right book format to designing an eye-catching book cover, every aspect plays a significant role in attracting readers and increasing visibility. Additionally, optimizing metadata information and developing a distribution strategy are essential steps to reach your target audience effectively.

Choosing the Right Book Format

To accommodate the preferences of different readers and maximize your book’s reach, you should consider offering various formats, including ebooks, audiobooks, and print books. By making your content available in different formats, you open doors to wider readership and cater to diverse audience preferences. Each format has its unique advantages, and it’s recommended to explore all options to enhance your readers’ experience.

Designing a Visually Appealing Book Cover

Your book cover is the first impression readers will have of your work, so it’s crucial to create a visually compelling design that captures their attention. A professionally designed book cover can convey the genre, theme, and tone of your book, enticing potential readers to explore it further. Consider collaborating with a skilled graphic designer who understands the importance of a captivating cover that aligns with your target audience’s expectations.

Optimizing Metadata Information

Metadata information plays a vital role in making your book discoverable to potential readers. By carefully selecting relevant categories and keywords, you can improve your book’s visibility in search results and increase its chances of appearing in front of your target audience. Take the time to research popular categories and identify relevant keywords that accurately represent your book’s content and appeal to your ideal readers.

Developing a Distribution Strategy

A well-defined distribution strategy is crucial for reaching your target audience effectively. Research different self-publishing platforms and determine which ones align with your goals and target market. Consider factors such as royalty rates, platform visibility, and marketing opportunities, and select the platforms that best suit your needs. By strategically planning your distribution, you can ensure maximum exposure and availability of your book.

Format Advantages
Ebook Accessibility, cost-effectiveness, global reach
Audiobook Engaging storytelling, accessibility for visually impaired readers
Print Book Tactile reading experience, physical presence, potential for local bookstore placement

By carefully considering the book format, designing an appealing cover, optimizing metadata, and planning your distribution strategy, you can effectively package your book for the market and increase its chances of success. These critical elements will help attract the right readers, elevate the visibility of your work, and drive sales in a competitive publishing landscape.


Starting a self-publishing business as an authorpreneur can lead to a sustainable career and long-term success in the competitive publishing industry. By carefully planning and executing each step of the process, you can establish yourself as a self-published author and achieve your goals.

The journey begins with researching the market and identifying your target audience. Understanding current trends, analyzing successful books in your genre, and optimizing metadata information will help you reach the right readers and maximize your visibility.

Writing and editing your book should be approached with dedication and attention to detail. Consistency in writing, hiring a professional editor, and seeking feedback from beta readers will ensure that your work is polished and of high quality.

Packaging your book for the market through appropriate formatting and a visually appealing cover design is essential. Carefully selecting the right distribution strategy and self-publishing platform will help you reach your readers effectively.

With the right mindset, strategic decision-making, and a commitment to your self-publishing business, you can create a sustainable career and achieve long-term success as an authorpreneur. Embrace the opportunities that self-publishing offers and embark on your journey to become a successful self-published author.


How do I start a self-publishing author business?

To start a self-publishing author business, you need to follow several key steps. First, develop a business structure, choose a name, and register your business. Then, obtain an Employee Identification Number (EIN) and set up a website. Consider using a reliable hosting service like Siteground.

Should I start a publishing company?

Starting a publishing company can offer several benefits for self-published authors. It provides financial protection, tax advantages, and increased credibility. It also allows for more control over the publishing and marketing processes, expands author branding opportunities, and opens doors to collaborations and licensing opportunities.

What are the benefits of starting my own publishing company?

Starting your own publishing company offers tax benefits, financial protection, and increased credibility. It also allows you to maintain control over your work, expand your author brand, and access co-writing and licensing opportunities. A publishing company helps convey professionalism and attracts collaborators and business partners.

How do I set up my own publishing company?

Setting up your own publishing company involves several key steps. Start by setting goals and choosing a business structure, such as an LLC or sole proprietorship. Then, select a business name and obtain an EIN. Open a business bank account to separate personal and business finances, establish an accounting process, and consider using accounting software for bookkeeping.

How do I research my market and identify my target audience?

To conduct market research as a self-publishing author, analyze successful books in your genre on platforms like Amazon. Pay attention to book covers, titles, blurbs, and author biographies. Identify target audiences to focus your marketing efforts and research categories and keywords for metadata optimization.

What is the process of writing and editing a book?

Writing a book requires dedication and commitment. Aim to write consistently and efficiently, and seek support and inspiration from writing tools and writer forums. Once the manuscript is complete, focus on editing. Hire a professional editor to ensure your book is error-free and polished. Getting feedback from beta readers can also provide valuable insights for improving the quality of your book.

How do I package my book for the market?

Packaging your book for the market involves preparing it in the appropriate formats, such as ebook, audiobook, or print book. Have the book files ready, along with a visually appealing and professional book cover design. Carefully consider metadata information, including categories and keywords, to optimize discoverability. Develop a distribution strategy and choose the appropriate self-publishing platform.

What is the key to a successful self-publishing author business?

Starting a self-publishing author business requires careful planning and execution. Adopting the mindset of an authorpreneur can help create a sustainable career and achieve long-term success. Important steps include researching the market, identifying the target audience, writing and editing the book, packaging it for the market, and implementing effective marketing and distribution strategies.

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Kevin Ross
Kevin Rosshttps://blogwallet.com
Kevin "KevRoss" Ross is a music and radio industry expert. He is a 20 -plus year entrepreneur with the leading most successful industry trade publication and site Radio Facts (www.radiofacts.com). He has also published various books, magazines, performed marketing and promotions for major corporations and recording artists and he is on the advisory board of several industry organizations. This year Ross introduced his non profit organization LOMARI (Leaders of the Music and Recording Industry) to help teach young minority students how to market and manage their music and products.

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