Use Your Current Job as College or Temporarily Work in the Field You##Q##d like to Start Your Business In
No matter how much we hate our current jobs the best way to look at the situation, I’ve learned, is to start using my jobs as “college.” I used Urban Network that way when I worked there many years ago. There was a lot of strife, in-fighting and power struggles amongst the management. I let them beat the hell out of each other while I learned how the system worked. When they fired me, which I knew they would eventually, I took what I learned and started my own industry trade magazine and there was nothing they could do about it. My employer became my competitor and my brand is still around. I##Q##m not bragging, I##Q##m making a point. Look at your job as I’m taking a course and I’m getting a stipend for learning. I give the job a certain amount of time to complete the required courses and when I’m done, I’m ready to graduate to earn my next degree in business. If I wanted to open a coffee shop, I##Q##d go and work at Starbucks for a year. What an invaluable experience and education that would be FIRST HAND…. AND I would be getting paid for it? Instead of going broke going to some overpriced college that wants me to take out student loans to learn how to do it for 2 years. Then I owe for my education when I could have gotten it, not just for FREE but PAID for it? I##Q##m sure you get the point.