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British Businessman Mike Lynch Cleared in HP Lawsuit

In 2011, Hewlett-Packard made a significant acquisition by purchasing Autonomy for over $11 billion. However, just a year later, Hewlett-Packard publicly stated that Autonomy...


NEXT Insurance Introduces Business Owner’s Solution: All-in-One Policy for Agents and Small Business Owners

NEXT Insurance has introduced its Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), tailored to meet the needs of small business owners, such as those in the 'main...

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– Entrepreneurial Tech Advocate Raises Funds for Homeless – Charity Event Supports Homeless Community Amid Eviction Controversy – Tech Innovator’s Philanthropic Drive Amid Tenant Eviction Debate

Although residing in the same city of London, Ont., Adam Malamis, a notable tech entrepreneur, and Erwin Long, a reclusive individual, led vastly contrasting...

Strategies for Managing Agency Partners Effectively

Master the art of managing agency partners with proven strategies to foster strong relationships and drive success in your collaborations.

SBA Veteran Business Committees to Hold Public Sessions June 5-6

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has shared news about the upcoming quarterly public meetings for the Interagency Task Force (IATF) on Veterans Small...

Unlocking Entrepreneurial Success: Three Key Traits to Thrive

In a recent discussion, successful entrepreneurs were found to possess three intriguing attributes that contribute to their achievements in business. Firstly, many of these entrepreneurs...

Infusing Gusto into Every Aspect of Your Small Business

Elevate your small business with gusto, infusing enthusiasm and zeal to drive growth and impress customers. Unlock the power of passion.


Navigating Financial Waters with Commercial Banking Insights

Explore the vital role of commercial banks in the US economy, from lending and deposits to regulations and risk management.

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