Eliminate those Entrepreneurs Around You who Refuse to grow
One again, this is saying the same thing as I said before. One trick I pull on what I call “lazy entrepreneurs” (people who are always looking for something for free, then they can##Q##t understand why they can##Q##t grow). If I need the advice of a publicity person, for example, I will take them to lunch. That blows them away because they are not used to someone treating them like that, just to pick their brain. I think it shows supreme respect for what they do and I am indicating that I want to be treated the same way. When I do that, they stop calling and asking me for free things because I have raised the bar on them. They can##Q##t, don##Q##t or perhaps won##Q##t usually match the offer in kind so they would rather just not call at all which is fine with me. Usually, I remove their number from my phone but I keep it on my computer##Q##s address book in case I need them again and I will do the same thing. But I have learned that when you call a lazy entrepreneur for a friendly conversation, you open the floodgates to be used for free again. Choose your entrepreneur friends WISELY and treat THEM the way YOU want to be treated.