Monday, May 6, 2024
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Rushion McDonald Offers Business Tips

Steve Harvey and Rushion McDonald How can you market your skills to get the attention of major corporations, your boss or even a potential client? How do you broker great deals and ensure long term income and work on a great retirement for yourself? We are honored this week to have as a guest the man who has brokered blockbuster deals for superstar entertainment Mogul Steve Harvey. [...]

Premiere Entrepreneur, Steve Harvey used his Leverage as a Comedian to Soar Incredible Heights

Surround Yourself with the Right People We love to report stories of successful minority entrepreneurs and this dynamic duo has achieved an incredible amount of success...

Steve Harvey’s Entrepreneurial Use of Comedy Leverage

Surround Yourself with the Right People We love to report stories of successful minority black entrepreneurs and this dynamic duo has achieved an incredible amount of success with seemingly no effort. However I personally know that's not he case because I was right there when Steve's business partner Rushion McDonald recently stated "I have very few conversations that don't pertain to money and if I could figure out a way not to sleep I would." McDonald was talking about his never-ending commendable negotiation skills respected by many industry, business and show biz people alike. [...]

Know Your Value or it will be Falsely Determined

Are People Coming to you for your services? Then you have VALUE. KNOW YOUR VALUE Have you ever heard about the person having a garage sale and they have a painting for $2 that ends up being a collector's item? The person who buys it then sells it for millions and the original owner tries to get the money back claiming they didn't know the actual value? Well look at your business like that. If you don't know the value you will sell yourself short. The fact that people come to you for your services indicates VALUE. [...]

Why You Must Climb Higher when Business is Great!

As entrepreneurs we BEG for a break at times. When all the bills are paid and we have a bit of expendable cash in...

Making the MOST Money with Google Adsense

Many entrepreneurs have a website and want to know how they can make extra income to cover some of their expenses.. I have learned...

Michael Baisden’s Advice on Moving Forward

Michael Baisden just lost his contract of 10 years broadcasting his radio show on over 20 radio stations nationwide. Baisden owns his own show...

30 Days to Two New Businesses

For the past 10 years, I have been unchallenged in my current main business which is a blog for the music industry. It does...