5. Hire Duplicate “You##Q##s”
You must and I can##Q##t say this enough you MUST hire other people and you MUST delegate. The people you hire should be self starters. Excuses and flipping the script are not acceptable, if they can##Q##t do the work you show them on their own they have to go. Find people who can mimic you and who think like you do. If you try to do everything yourself your business will never grow.
Some of the OTHER topics covered:
- Why your Business won##Q##t Grow
- Why it##Q##s best to walk away from some Clients
- Find out what competitors are saying and doing behind your back
- Ways to grow your business and rise above competitors
- Now that you##Q##re making money Do THIS ….
and more, order your copy early for this eBook “Make Money: Learn the Ways to EARN.” It will be $10.95 next week. If you pre-order now, you will get a link via email with the eBook next week (March 1, 2012)
Kevin Ross